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Pilar Córdoba Longar
Donde hubo fuego montañas quedan
Donde hubo fuego montañas quedan is project that turned into an exhibition in 2019. I began with these series of embroidered pieces after an intense break up. I was thinking about how some people just vanish out of your life and at the same time remain. The response to the pain I felt was to contemplate hugeness, I was feeling small. I once read that one only sees a mountain as an obstacle only if you choose to see it like such. I decided to climb up the mountain and then look down.

Donde hubo fuego montañas quedan
Cross stitched embroidery
60 x 35 cms.

One can only go forward by going backward and then sideways and then up and then down
Cross stitched embroidery
1 mt x 65 cms.

How does one end the infinite?
Cross stitiched embroidery
80 x 60 cms.
One changes self more slowly than one changes worlds
Cross stitched embroidery
60 x 80 cms.

With your hand Ill go too far and I wont be afraid anymore of not coming back
Cross stitched embroidery
35 x 20 cms ea.

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