Pilar Córdoba Longar
Isles of Maybe
Isles of Maybe is a book, a cut and paste exercise that through texts and images explains the human and collective drama we were (are) going through.
The pandemic had me visiting/living at my parents life-long home.
Have not stayed there in more than a decade.
I have my own home, I live with Perla, a dog.
Their house is a scattered collection of all kinds of objects.
My mother is a Biologist and her archive of books, journals, papers, and academic life is vast.
National Geographic magazines, a classic.
With the intention of decluttering their home, I decided to put the yellow collection into use.
Time to say good-bye to those beautiful images.
The archive comprehended the years 1960-80 more or less.
Isles of maybe was put together.
Over the large dining room table me and a magnifying glass.
I cut all the words, phrases, letters, and photographs that fit into what I felt.
An improvisation of the instant, interiorize, fantastic places.
A day to day present.